Sunday, February 1, 2009


What a week! From ice and beautiful snow to melting puddles everywhere! I love the snow and hope today's meltdown is about over. It is nice that some of the gunk under my running boards and wheel wells is melting and dropping off......making a lovely mess in the garage! Just came home from a delicious, belated birthday lunch at Mom and Dad's. I made butter pecan cupcakes with cream cheese icing and brickle bars to take for dessert.

Friday was a no school day again, and after I got home from Mansfield and dr. appts., our son had a couple buddies over to sled and skate. They spent the night and then enjoyed skating again on Saturday. Made a bunch of spaghetti and meatballs for them to chow on.

I am officially only working 3 days per week!!! No more Monday's or Friday's!!! :) Can't believe I don't have to go to work or to the Dr. tomorrow. That's a good way to start the week. I have a list of things to work on, but I love making lists. Even toying with the idea of starting to write my book. That's a dream I have had for over 9 years, and I'm thinking no might be the time.

Praying for more snow! :)


Anonymous said...

Nice long weekend every week...nice:)What kind of a book??So are you ready for another are like your mom about snow.Actually,I like it a lot too if I can stay in...

4becks said...

I want to write a book about Scott's accident, the resulting brain injury and what faith we have in Christ from what we have been thru!